Once Upon a Time in Heaven

Job Variations

Yuri Zavorotny
1 min readApr 21, 2024

One day, the Sons of God assembled to present themselves before the Lord Almighty, and the Devil — the Accuser — was among them.

“Well, well, speak of the Devil!” greeted her the Almighty. “Where did you come from?”

“Oh, you know,” she smiled. “From here and there and everywhere.”

“Well, in that case,” said the Almighty, “you must have noticed humans — and aren’t they awesome? They live their lives with integrity. They fear God and stay away from evil.”

“Indeed, I have, and they are,” nodded the Devil. “But then again, why wouldn’t they be? You protect them and by your blessings they have everything they need. I wonder if they’d stay this righteous once tables turned on them?”

The Almighty looked at the Accuser, pondering her words.

“Very well,” he replied. “They are yours to do with as you please… on one condition.”

“Yes, Lord?”

“Don’t let humanity annihilate itself… will ya?”

For a moment, the Devil held her stare.

“As you wish.” She then excused herself and left the Almighty’s presence.

